“The Birther Movement”

A “Birther” is a person who believes that Barack Obama is not a natural born US citizen and therefore is not a legitimate president!!! Wow! This theory was so absurd and unheard of, that when it started in 2008 very few people took notice of it. But there was a man who saw something in … Continue Reading

Take a Listen!!!

It’s really interesting to follow the NEWS and jot down the new words and phrases that are made and added to the vocabulary by the media on a daily basis!!  One of these is the expression “Take a Listen” which is the same as “Listen” and is used a hundred times a day by news anchors. And right … Continue Reading

Ask him to send us an itemised bill

A ship engine had broken down and no one could fix it. They called in one expert after another, but none of them could figure out how to fix the engine. So they finally brought in an old man who had been fixing ship engines since he was a youngster. The old workman inspected the … Continue Reading

Vacation in Sochi

In his Post, Farid tells us about his stay in Sochi on the Black Sea coast, about the city’s special climate, its beautiful scenery, Stalin’s villa there, the traffic, and all the good and bad things about the city…

A review of the English Walk on Sunday 4 September 2016

This is a review of our first English Walk on Sunday 4 September 2016. We had a good time walking from Lille to Wambrechies and back, including a short pleasant stop in Wambrechies… and of course we spoke a lot of English! There were six of us (Emmanuelle, Brigitte, Agathe, Jean-Marc, Thomas and me) with … Continue Reading

Politics In the US

As we get closer to the election day, the polls are showing even a bigger gap between the GOP nominee and the democratic party nominee. Four years ago the GOP nominee, Mitt Romney, lost to Barak Obama in swing states where he had an advantage over Obama. So you can imagine why Trump has been … Continue Reading