I have a question. How do you say in English somebody that likes talking a lot?
Of course we are not speaking about me ;-)
Thank you in advance for your answer…
I have a question. How do you say in English somebody that likes talking a lot?
Of course we are not speaking about me ;-)
Thank you in advance for your answer…
talk·a·tive /ˈtɔːkətɪv/
fond of or given to talking.
synonyms: chatty, loquacious, garrulous, voluble, conversational, communicative; gossipy, babbling, blathering; long-winded, wordy, verbose, prolix; informal gabby, mouthy, motormouthed, talky
Thank you ! I have the choice…..
I agree with Reza. Someone who talks a lot is talkative.
You can also say that he or she is a chatterbox.
The verb chatter means to talk continuously in a fast informal way, usually about unimportant subjects.
For example, in a classroom, a teacher may see that the students are busy talking fast with each other and not paying attention, so he or she may say:
Stop chattering and open your books!
Pejman, I have a question for you: isn’t it true that when you call someone a “chatterbox” you are actually disapproving of them?
Yes, Reza, chatterbox has a negative connotation. (And so does talkative, though to a lesser degree.)
Now, thinking back to the good old days when I had the pleasure of teaching you (that was before your English got so good you didn’t need the likes of me anymore…), I remember that you always had this trick of asking a seemingly innocent and apparently off-the-cuff question, while in reality you had already prepared an elaborate trap for your poor unsuspecting teacher to fall into. So what is the catch in your seemingly simple and innocent question this time? :-)
Believe me Pejman, I have changed a lot, and probably for the worse!!! But this was just to pull my good old teacher’s leg :)
Your image is more for a dentist or for people loosing their teeth…. you are too young for this my friend, hihi!
Thanks to Reza for his quick answer and to you for your detailed information.
Greetings to you both!
You are most welcome !
Found these two as well. Might bring back some childhood memories… :-)