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Delaram F
Active Learner
8 years ago

I found and read the recipe for Chicken Tikka Masala on the Internet. It seems to taste very good. As an Iranian I would prefer to eat it with rice! It would be a delicious combination.

Reply to  Philip H
8 years ago

There are several Indian restaurants in Tehran. I don’t know about other cities, such as Isfahan where Delaram lives.

Among those I’ve tried, Tandoor is the best hands down. It’s located in south-central Tehran. Here are two review pages on Foursquare (with lots of photos) and on Tripadvisor.

Reply to  Philip H
8 years ago

There are several Indian restaurants in Lille too, but I’ve never tried any, so no idea… (Another lost business opportunity? ;-))

Perhaps someone else here has tried some of them?

And perhaps one day, if you happen to be to Lille, we could all get together in one and see how good (or bad) the food is. What do you think everybody?

PS Are you into cooking (and running restaurants) then?

Jean-Marc L
Reply to 
8 years ago

With Emmanuelle, we tried many indian restaurants in Lille. We have been disappointed. The only good indian restaurant we know is the Dishny in Paris, near Gare du Nord. Each time we go to Paris (one of our daughter work there), we go to the Dishny to eat a thali.

Delaram F
Reply to  Philip H
8 years ago

Yes we have “naan” in Iran and we call it exactly “naan”. Persian language and Indian language has many words in common. In fact throughout history the cultures of India and Iran has influenced each other. Naan is cooked in a “Tanoor” (a big clay pot heated by fire). We have different types of naan in Iran: Naan Sangak which is cooked on heated small stones in a tanoor, Naan Lavaash which is very thin, Naan Barbari, and Naan Taaftoon. In my opinion Naan Sangak and Naan Barbai are the most delicious ones. Now that we are talking about Naan,… Read more »

Reply to  Delaram F
8 years ago

Don’t forget to sprinkle some siâhdâne (siaahdaane) on your cheese… and your nân o panir o sabzi will just be heavenly!

8 years ago

Certainly not when English football fans are in Lille and realise how good your beer is. Nice try Philip! Next you’ll be telling us that all those brawls and bottle hurlings were actually our fault? Wait a second! Come to think of it, you may have a point there… Yes! It must have been a conspiracy in the Goldfinger fashion… First, Fifa – and we know how corrupt those people are – award Euro 2016 to France, just a stone’s throw from England. Let’s me see, we’ll call this happenstance… Then those devious calculating Ch’ti and Belgian brewers work in… Read more »

Jean-Marc L
Reply to  Philip H
8 years ago

I remember this famous beer called “Grain d’Orge”, first prize of the best beer in the world gift in NY many years ago.

By the way, the temperature in NY is 93, more than in Tehran! Difficult to resist drinking beer…

Reply to  Philip H
8 years ago

I suspect you have been surreptitiously putting in the beer of those poor innocent, normally teetotal, English football supporters. What chance did they have?

My thoughts exactly!

Reply to  Philip H
8 years ago

Come on Philip! That was a fair quote! :-)

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