Tomorrow afternoon, I was at LaM to see the Modigliani exhibition. It was a very interesting moment!
The exhibition shows the evolution of the work of this incredible artist who was Amadeo Modigliani. He took his first inspiration from Egyptian and African primitive art… Modigliani preferred over all painted portraits and particularly his friend’s artist’s like him!
He died earlier …and didn’t show us all of his talent!
We are never sure to have any time to show our talent…
I like Modigliani’s works a lot, too. I’ve been wanting to go and see this exhibition for ages but haven’t managed to, what with working on the final version of this site and the usual spring laziness. :-)
Come on Pejman! Spring is the “revival season” and it’s a nice exhibition! I’ve seen it with my pupils. I liked it even if it was very crowdy! (Full of pupils, students, and old persons!) The guide told me that many people want to see Modigliani’s exhibition, even those who don’t know anything about art. He also told me that the 3 artists who attract the most people are Chagall, Picasso and Modigliani.
I have seen and liked the exhibition too.
“Modi” as his friends called him, was a great and sensible artist.
I like his “palette” and the way he plays with contrasts between the different colours.