Problems with using “the”

circle-diameter-5-centimetresI have some problems with using “the” in some English sentences. For instance, in the following ‎examples I’m not sure which sentence is the correct one:‎

Example 1‎
He drew a circle on the paper. Diameter of the circle was nearly 5 cm.‎
He drew a circle on the paper. The diameter of circle was nearly 5 cm.‎
He drew a circle on the paper. The diameter of the circle was nearly 5 cm.‎

Example 2‎

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9 years ago

The use of “the” can be very tricky, I agree. :-(

In example 1, the third sentence is correct:

He drew a circle on the paper. The diameter of the circle was nearly 5 cm.‎

It’s the diameter of the circle that he drew.

Any ideas about example 2 anyone?

Reply to  Delaram F
9 years ago

In example 2, I would say that both the second and the fourth sentence could be correct depending on the situation. The second sentence would be about cars in general and the fourth sentence about cars in a particular context, for example you may be talking about the cars used in safety tests in a research centre. As to your new sentence, your feeling is not misguiding you. The correct form is “the diameter of a circle”. And frankly, if I were you, I would just try to read and watch a lot of English and immerse myself in an… Read more »

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